Dear Scientists working for Roche,
The last Economic Meltdown started with some rot apples crossing the boundaries for mean reasons providing mortgage to people who could not afford it. So, it triggered a wave of fear and mistrust that led to havoc in the economic functioning of society.
In a similar trend Roche is enforcing a sort of REINVENTION POLICY ignoring Patent Laws and the simple functioning of Science overstepping breakthroughs.
This can take place because Lawyers do not understand science functioning . . . they are not trained in the science functioning – Laws of Nature.
I developed new conceptions into Hydrodynamics dealing with Unsaturated Hydraulic Flow (US pat. 6,766,817) that is very sturdy as Hydrology is one of the oldest sciences and cannot be deceived so blatantly as Roche mistakenly is assuming.
What is happening now is that with a simple task of logical play I found out your emails on a total of 1,064 recipients that I am uploading to my blog requesting people around the work to send you emails pledging for honesty and respect for the Law and Science.
So, as this atypical email list of top scientists working for Roche spreads through the internet investors will get itchy about the risk of betting money on Roche and inquire the company policy about the boundaries of a safe businesses practice.
When Roche comes forward assuring the world that the company will bow to the Law and honesty, mending their misdeeds, your future will be safer because reliability will be restored.
There is no other option for Roche and other parties besides being honest and respect the Law and a sound functioning of science.
Web anniversary on BBC ‘. . . I saw then that a new power of communication had begun’
Pursuing Academic Pride at Univ. of Connecticut People Terror?
Reinvention Policy by Roche (US Pat. 7,819,822) People Fitness
Reinventing by Wealth Corporation

There is a blurring overlapping between negligence and stupidity. The Patent Examiner Mr. Max Hinderburg cited my patent US pat. 6,766,817 on

So far I sent to
There is another aggravation since I sent many letters to Roche Diagnostics about my ‘scientific breakthrough’ and for good faith the company was supposed to have asked IDS (Information Disclosure Statement) to provide a good intention that they have no intention to violate my IP rights. Then my patent US pat. 6,766,817 was supposed to be cited when allowing US Pat. 7,819,822 showing that the Patent Examiner was aware on my claims and that he was known in the art to judge the issue.
What is going on at USPTO? Bribery, Corruption, and/or Collusion ? ? ?
There is an ugly side of Roche endeavors as it can be figured out at the picture on the left regarding the appropriate geometry from the patent application 20070197937 on
It is unlikely that a pharmaceutical company would hire Geologists or Soil Scientists. So, they have no handle on the Hydrodynamic properties to address the core issue. They never gauged Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity, have no idea about Hydraulic Zones, anisotropic unsaturated flow, vertical hydraulic gradient potential, molecular connectivity, self-sustaining reversible flow, molecular drainage, void ratio, pore connectivity, porosity geometry self-cleaning filtering, inertial/rotating energy addiction/subtraction, etc.
‘This sort of thing makes me feel appalled like when a thug that steals my car, but just at the time of getting away with my belonging he discovers not being able to drive it!’
Roche employs around 67,000 people, has revenue around 46bn dollars, and total assets around 80bn dollars. Can this power bend science?
Respecting Hydrology Science and IP Rights in the Patenting System
Inventors, Attorneys, and Examiners,
It seems that the American patenting system is becoming a nightmare by breaking of Law and violation of science! Such violations are not by another country, or another language, but in the same patent office and sometimes by the same Patent Examiner. It is frustrating sending thousands of IDS (Information Disclosure Statement) to demand Inventors and Attorneys to respect what was already issued by the same Patent Office.
I am not an inventor but a PhD scientist with deep comprehension on the underlying functioning of science. My background comes from Agricultural Sciences focusing on spatial applied hydrogeology.
I simply decided to pursue my ‘scientific discovery in Hydrodynamics’ in the US just because I was a Brazilian getting PhD at Penn State University when the American president Bill Clinton was at my commencement on May 10, 1996 convincing his country was reliable. He said that we were part of privileged citizens receiving the highest education that the American institutions could offer their citizens and that down the line we would be creating new jobs never imagined before. The economic meltdown, spreading obesity, oil spill, etc. are cues that the public order is deeply out of track to protect society functioning in a country that intends to lead the world.
My recent surprise is that my IP rights are being violated by flawed patents from wealthy parties that sometimes even do not work or dumb parties trying to reinvent what I already did.
Sometimes nature is so blessed to create people bearing the highest level of stupidity. It is possible to steal money, jewelry, paintings, cars, etc. But, can you steal an invention? Can you reinvent what is already invented and patented?
There is no wick/wicking in Hydrology, but it is part of the language as lay people handle oil lamps and candles since its invention about 70,000 years ago at the Stone Age Time. The Advanced Classical Hydrology Science addresses the issue as Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity having a complex hydrodynamic functioning far beyond the restricted oil lamp functioning moving fluids UPWARD toward a flame.
It can be found on scientific literature about Electrical Conductivity, Thermal Conductivity, and Hydraulic Conductivity, but never Wicking Conductivity!
Indeed laypeople behind wicking have no handle on the Hydrodynamic properties to address the core issue. The expression of wick/wicking comes from lay people that never gauged Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity, have no idea about Hydraulic Zones, anisotropic unsaturated flow, vertical hydraulic gradient potential, molecular connectivity, self-sustaining reversible flow, molecular drainage, void ratio, pore connectivity, porosity geometry, self-cleaning filtering, inertial/rotating energy addiction/subtraction, etc. It is a huge gap waiting to be explored as science prevails.
I suggest you to study and learn Hydrology if you want to file patents that deal with fluidic devices. It is very likely that you are wasting your time and money, distorting the patenting system helping Americans getting rewards for negligence like this oil spill that easily could have been prevented by a sound science - HYDROLOGY. Like the outcome of Titanic fate as key people are used to cover up blunders to dissimulate their persistent wrongdoings turning the ship on the wrong direction during a crisis, not halting the cruise to save passengers, and ultimately lying to protect the businesses. Wise people know what is going to prevail and the potential outcome to achieve when honesty, coherence, and respect are embraced.
Corporate Manipulation
There is a widespread Hydrological ignorance among inventors working with fluidic applications. The Procter & Gamble Company declined any interest on my five idea applications: 11526, 11170, 11533, 11534, and 11979. But, afterwards my ideas started coming poorly inside their patent applications and I had to ask IDS like happened to 20080015531.
“When rejecting something it is important to have confidence that you do not need it, and that you have no intention to overstep such rejected boundaries. It may be a pretension to be smart or just an evidence of missing wisdom.”
This picture on the right would suggest that PG has only lay people in Hydrology working with fluidic application and that the system is very negligent to control their R&D guidelines. There is no doubt about the importance of advanced Hydrology to PG product lines dealing with personal hygiene, mainly absorption or retention of fluids on artificial porous systems.
My suggestion to Law Firms and general companies filing patents on fluidic devices is to hire experts from Geosciences so that the advanced Hydrology from my textbooks and my issued patents are respected scientifically and legally. Also, there is no other way for product development besides employing advanced science holding on textbooks more than a century and widely accepted on scientific literature
Flawed Violation

Hydrology Science is being shamefully ignored in the Patenting System with flawed patents that violate common knowledge from scientific literature and issued patents. It seems that sometimes the Patent Examiner (US pat. 7,285,255) violating science and issued patents is a director meaning that lay people handling Hydrology at USPTO is a critical bias going up in the chain of power by people that are overstepping Ethical grounds beyond their due expertise. I was expecting people in the patenting affairs be a kind of smarter and more respectful as NATURE cannot be deceived. This was not a simple mistake by a junior Patent Examiner since Ms. Gladys Corcoran issued 202 patents so far.
Ecolab employs more than 26,000 people With more than $6 billion in global sales. I sent letters to Ecolab, to Kinney & Lange, P.A the patent law firm, and to USPTO about violating my patent rights with a flawed one that even does not work. The fluid only drops after crossing the water table reference as portrayed in the arrow reference. The aggravation is that after I notified all parties in written about the violation of IP rights and scientific flaws more patents applications were filed and issued. This is just unacceptable. What kind of protection anybody can get by ignoring IP rights and scientific literature?
Mr. Gregory Morse a Patent Commissioner said that there is a Law stating that the drawing dimensions does not need to represent the real dimensions of the device. I replied saying that I learned in High School about scale that all details are represented in the same proportional ratio and that the scientific flaw of (US pat. 7,285,255) takes places at any scale like parallel lines that never meet each other at any scale employed. I got PhD in Soil Science/Spatial Applied Hydrology with a deep background in Remote Sensing and GIS and now I have my ‘scientific breakthrough’ being violated by lazy patents from people that their background is lower than High School standards. It seems that Mr. Clinton wasted his time on my commencement.
Academic Dishonoring of a scientific breakthrough
Dr. Amir Faghri and Dr. Zhen Guo working at the former Fuel Cell Center at the University of Connecticut believed that Hydrology from their Library can be ignored as well as my patent rights at USPTO when issuing US 7,625,649 ‘Vapor feed fuel cells with a passive thermal-fluids management system’ on the right. It was sent many letters requesting IDS of US 6,766,817 to many faculties and Intellectual Property management team at
It seems that Mechanical Engineers insist on working with fluids having a private Hydrology on their own ignoring Classical Hydrology from old textbooks. US 6,766,817 not only designed the interplay between Hydraulic Zones allowing self-sustaining reversible flow, but also it gauged Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity as 2.18 mm/s, besides Tubarc as an enhance microporosity geometry for fluid conduction.
Looking at the drawings I have a deep feeling that it was a straight lousy copycat by a PhD faculty showing arrogance and how stupid he can be by ignoring a ‘scientific breakthrough’.
Is US 6,766,817 a ‘scientific discovery’?
I believe so because so far only 24 issued patents mentioned Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity while wick/wicking from lay people is mentioned in 26.852 issued patents today Mar 24, 2011.
I am curious why graduate students get PhD titles not learning about Philosophy of Science: Epistemology, Metaphysics, Logics, and History of Science.
There are around 26,000 issued patents by USPTO on wick/wicking which is not in Hydrology scientific literature only used by lay people missing a broader and deeper understanding in the field of the art. The phenomenon was addressed as Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity in 1907 by Edgard Buckingham to update Darcy’s Law 1856. US pat. 6,766,817 deployed it to the patenting system just a century after being in the scientific literature. Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity measures volume/area/time within Unsaturated Hydraulic Zone with vertical gradient that addresses fluid flow by molecular connectivity allowing self-sustaining and reversible flow between the Hydraulic Zones responding to Hydraulic gradients. Also, I designed an enhanced micro geometry for porosity dubbed Tubarc (tube + arc) just to replace capillarity which has limitations due to the tube theory constrictions harming fundamentals of Unsaturated Hydraulic Flow. Tubarc principles also take into account restrained human capability to handle tiny dimensions of atoms and a need to organize random porosity providing higher control on hydrodynamic properties. Such insights for Tubarc development were borrowed from the biological porosity of Phloem and Xylem structures in the very early beginning of life on a need of multicellular organism to grow and expand its dimension keeping everything inside connected hydrodynamically. So far wicks are just good enough for oil lamps which are dependent on fuel and a flame (Thermodynamics + Hydrodynamics). Wise people are supposed to know that any wick that cannot work as a wick betrays Etymology and fail. Why to claim something that has no bearing?
My ‘scientific discovery’ in Hydrodynamics US pat. 6,766,817 is being constantly violated by lay people that has no background in Classical Hydrology. Since 2006 I have been requesting USPTO to hire Hydrogeologists and/or Soil Physicists to examine fluids moving on porosity to comply with long standing Classical Hydrology endorsing common knowledge. I even sent 14 registered letters to Mr. Obama which could be read online on my blog, but people at the White House seem neither read English nor care about Hydrology outcome in the
The importance of respecting Science avoiding lay people overtake advanced science is that society is better served with significant edge for the technological advancement sometimes critical on special circumstances. The oil spill at the
My Demand to USPTO
It is not that hard to argue at the Court of the Law that Hydrological issues should be examined by
1. Hire Examiners with background in Hydrogeology and/or Soil Physics so that they have full comprehension of fluids moving on porosity;
2. Cancel issued patents with scientific flaws. Obsolete patents are cancelled naturally by becoming outdated;
3. Make a public statement about Hydrology negligence hurting all Hydrological community as well as my project that needs experts in Hydrology to protect the content of my issued claims.
4. Compensate for my losses since as an inventor filing patents I was not expecting lay people handling hydrology in the examination process by USPTO.
5. Since USPTO is failing to protect my IP rights my patents should be eligible for time extension of their expiration dates (new demand).
6. Issue a bill requiring Hydrology be handled by
7. Make people accountable for breaking the Law regarding my complaints (new demand).
Recently USPTO confirmed that there is no
Nature coherence is so enlightening since rain falls from the sky, recharges and carves the landscape draining back towards the ocean renewing something that cannot be challenged, just because it is the makeup of what we belong to. We have the power to think and we think we are intelligent by developing distorted values about the principles of our own existence. Wild animals that are not intelligent did not develop any urge to hide their genitals, neither spoiling their food, nor getting fat. Indeed always keeping their muscles in good shape so they can run away from predators or catch their meals, surviving in balance like they always did since the beginning of life. That is indeed funny: those species that are not intelligent do not jeopardize the basic principles of their survival as we intelligent species do! Perhaps we need to go back and update the meaning of being intelligent because there is an evident flaw in the coherence – we are a stupid species pretending to care for our own existence.
Our cannibal ancestors believed that eating the brain of their competitors would give them more intelligence with a magic power. Deep reasoning on human uniqueness points out that during our evolution probably we chased and ate our cousins matching with scarce relatives nowadays. For lay people this exceptionality makes us Children of God but there is an underlying gloomy side of human joy for perverting common sense. In the past we did not know while today we just pretend to know it, but those ones to guide have no idea on what to pursue.
Why attorneys, inventors, and examiners want to pursue flawed patents that neither work nor respect common knowledge, even less IP rights?
Sorry, simple ignorance cannot be a plausible excuse in a developed country.
My message is straight – go and learn about Hydrology to take the best you can on fluidic devices because it has been neglected leaving a huge gap to explore and get new insights that nature endorses.
Science cannot be distorted.
Kind regards,
Campinas, June 1, 2011
Av. Dr. Julio Soares de Arruda, 838
Parque São Quirino
13088-300 Campinas, SP, Brazil
Phone 55 *19 3256-7265
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